Saturday 30 June 2018

37: Theatre of Death

A fairly straightforward two-parter taking place immediately after Necropolis, Theatre of Death touches on few things that deal with the aftermath of that epic. Dredd is still not winning any beauty contests, and indeed is still being mistaken for Judge Death himself. The Judges are back on the beat, with the hunt for Judge Death a priority. We get some closure on Chief Judge Silver, who obtains some measure of redemption as a recording shows that he held out against the power of the Dark Judges until the end.

It's unfair of course to compare this story to the run of fan-favourite ones we've had recently, but this just feels a bit flat. Holograms and displays are often a bit tricky to show in art, so I had a bit of difficulty working out what was going on in some cases.

Overall this story mainly serves to show that even the idea of the Dark Judges is enough to cause chaos and confusion, and that the corruption of the Judges in Necropolis will have an impact on Justice Department and Mega-City One for a long time.

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